European Central Bank to Cyprus: Now or never

Mar 21, 2013
Cyprus has until Monday to come up with a new bailout package after the parliament rejected the initial plan that called for a controversial tax on the country’s bank deposits.

European Central Bank pressures Cyprus for new bailout deal

Mar 21, 2013
The European Central Bank has given the Cyprus just a few days to come up with a new bailout deal after the Cypriot parliament rejected a controversial tax on bank deposits as part of its original bailout plan.

Cypriots protest bank deposit tax

Mar 19, 2013
Later today, the government of Cyprus will vote on a controversial bailout plan which would tax bank deposits up to 10 percent. The BBC's Nigel Cassidy in Cyprus discusses public reaction to the plan and whether the government will actually pass the measure.

Cyprus bank customers asked to help bail out banks

Mar 18, 2013
Anyone with cash in a bank account in Cyprus could lose up to 10 percent of it, as a one off tax to help fund a bank bailout.

Cyprus bailout tax causes alarm around the world

Mar 18, 2013
Julia Coronado, chief economist with the investment bank BNP Paribas, explains how the situation in Cyprus is rippling out to other economies around the world.

Cyprus bailout: Depositors face tax, hurry to withdraw cash

Mar 18, 2013
Financial markets in Asia and Europe fell sharply today thanks to the unusual terms of the EU bailout of Cyprus. A tax of up to 10 percent on bank deposits in Cyprus was proposed to defray some of the cost of the bailout.

5 things you need to know about Cyprus' economy

Mar 18, 2013
As Cyprus debates a controversial bailout plan to tax savings accounts, here are the five things you need to know about Cyprus, its economy, and why it is important to the global economic recovery.

For public good, not for profit.

Giving credit to the government for the bailout

Jan 24, 2013
Alan Blinder, an economist and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, discusses why he thinks the government doesn't get enough credit for saving the U.S. economy from a much worse fate.

AIG has to consider lawsuit against U.S.

Jan 9, 2013
AIG's board must consider the shareholder lawsuit, because it is charged with acting in the best interests of its shareholders.

AIG: 'Thanks for the bailout. See you in court?'

Jan 8, 2013
AIG board mulls whether to join a former CEO in suing the U.S. government for shortchanging shareholders in a $182 billion financial crisis bailout.