Almost a third of the money Medicare spends on chronically ill seniors is wasted, according to a new study out from Dartmouth Medical School. Helen Palmer tells us why.
Commentator and economist Len Burman says the tax-cut bill President Bush will sign this week is actually not the best way to go about reducing the tax load.
There's nothing as good as mother's breast milk for a baby. Increasingly, that milk could come from businesses that operate on a strictly for-profit basis. Nancy Mullane reports.
The Cannes film festival begins this week in France and John Laurenson found a way to feel like a star at the event. Soiree de Star will make you feel like a celebrity too — for a price.
The Big Apple is suing 15 gun dealers in five states, from Georgia to Pennsylvania. Mayor Michael Bloomberg says guns from those states were used in more than 500 NYC crimes in less than a decade. Amy Scott reports.
Looks like President Bush might just get that guest worker program. But now somebody's got to figure out the hard parts, like how to track millions of undocumented or falsely documented workers. John Dimsdale reports.