Marketplace PM for August 6, 2007
Aug 6, 2007

Marketplace PM for August 6, 2007


Segments From this episode

Phone records are now an open book

Aug 6, 2007
The wiretapping bill that President Bush has signed into law has privacy rights people reeling. Lisa Napoli takes a closer look at what was included and left out of the legislation.

A big box just for the old folks

Aug 6, 2007
In Germany, there's a big-box store geared specifically to the over-60 crowd. Kyle James reports that it's a perfect mix of marketing and demographics.

Does poor Haiti have gold in its future?

Aug 6, 2007
With the price of gold doubling in the last two years, geologists are combing the hillsides of Haiti in search of a lucky strike. But prospective miners face plenty of pitfalls. Reed Lindsay reports.

Rocking the video-game world

Aug 6, 2007
The video game "Guitar Hero" from Activision has struck a chord with gamers and given market leader Electronic Arts something to fret about. Kevin Periera of G4 television has been taking notes.

Subprime fallout pumps oil-market fears

Aug 6, 2007
A week after crude oil prices reached record highs, the oil markets are looking as jittery as stocks. Oil traders are hoping the subprime mortgage spill-over doesn't become a gusher. Bob Moon reports.

Will outbreak weaken U.K. economy?

Aug 6, 2007
Farming experts in Britain say the latest outbreak of hoof and mouth disease appears to have been contained. But the outbreak could hurt the U.K.'s wider rural economy. Stephen Beard reports.

Chrysler makes surprising CEO choice

Aug 6, 2007
Chrysler's choice of Bob Nardelli as its new CEO is turning some heads, given the way he was shown the door at Home Depot. Kai Ryssdal talks with Jeff Sonnenfeld at the Yale School of Management about the move.

Music from the episode