A newer, tinier iPad is said to be on the way

Jul 6, 2012
Apple looks to compete with Microsoft's and Google's smaller tablet models. Also, Google builds a robot brain that becomes keen on cat videos, and women post unflattering pictures of each other on Facebook.

Google Glass is on the way whether you like it or not

Jun 28, 2012
The device lets you take pictures or video, shows you information like from a smartphone -- but on glasses. Some may think it's disconcerting. Also, Apple blocks a Samsung tablet from being sold.

Google chips in to preserve endangered languages

Jun 22, 2012
7,000 languages worldwide could be headed for extinction. Can they be stored online?

Microsoft’s Surface: Will it be worth scratching?

Jun 18, 2012
A forthcoming tablet from the makers of Windows and Xbox offers a built-in keyboard and a lot of things that might remind you of the iPad.

Is the government reading your emails right now?

Jun 6, 2012
You can't know for sure. Surveillance orders in federal courts are reportedly on the rise -- and unless the orders lead to actual charges, the person being watched doesn't know.

For public good, not for profit.

What good is a 'Certificate of Mastery?'

May 3, 2012
Venerable educational institutions like Harvard and MIT are giving away education online for free. So what can you do with it?

Google wants to store your stuff in its cloud

Apr 25, 2012
Google Drive premieres, offering users five gigabytes or more of space for documents, pictures, videos, what-have-yous. Plus, learn this term: liquidmetal.