Marketplace AM for May 17, 2006
May 17, 2006

Marketplace AM for May 17, 2006

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Segments From this episode

Hollywood hoping for a hit

May 17, 2006
After mediocre box office receipts for Poseidon and Mission Impossible: III, Hollywood is hoping for a home-run with the much-hyped Da Vinci Code, debuting today at the Cannes Film Festival. Tess Vigeland has more.

Classical musicians head to China

May 17, 2006
While classically trained musicians in the US may have difficulty finding work these days, opportunity abounds in China. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Starting to feel the sting of inflation

May 17, 2006
This morning the government released its monthly index of how much things cost, the Consumer Price Index.Should the inflation hawks be nervous? Hillary Wicai reports.

Why Net neutrality matters

May 17, 2006
The current debate in Congress could change the Internet as we know it. Marketplace's Lisa Napoli talks to host Mark Austin Thomas

Get ready for cell phones on planes

May 17, 2006
What happens after the FCC auction of communications spectrum for in-flight wireless licenses? Ethan Lindsey reports.

More H1B visas on the table

May 17, 2006
The immigration debate has focused on illegal, unskilled labor, but the Senate bill also includes a plan to allow more skilled foreign workers into the US. Miranda Kennedy reports.