Segments From this episode

Surfing for Paxil plaintiffs

Jul 11, 2007
Thousands of young people who took Paxil are entitled to a share of a $42 million class action settlement, so one consumer watchdog group posted a video on YouTube to spread the word: If they want the cash, they gotta make the claim. Helen Palmer has the story.

Plutocrats rising

Jul 11, 2007
The possibility that New York mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg might run for president has captivated Washington. And it's got commentator David Frum wondering why no one complains when a plutocrat seeks to buy political office.

Let the gaming console price wars begin

Jul 11, 2007
Last week Microsoft said it wasn't going to lower the price of the Xbox 360, but the company appears to be changing its tune following Sony's announced markdown of its Playstation 3. They're both trying to lure gamers away from Nintendo's top-selling Wii.

Second City no more

Jul 11, 2007
Shareholders have approved the merger of the Chicago Mercentile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. That deal will make the Second City home to the largest financial exchange in the world. Jill Barshay reports.

Mortgage meltdown, shrinking dollar

Jul 11, 2007
The subprime mortgage fallout just keeps on coming as the U.S. dollar hits another all-time low against the euro. And that could spook international investors as well as would-be American tourists. Stephen Beard explains.

No more surprise overdraft fees?

Jul 11, 2007
You go to the ATM to get, say $60, but you've only got $59 in the bank. Should your bank warn you before it hands over the cash and slaps you with a $35 overdraft fee? Congress today considers legislation that would require it. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Getting emissions under control

Jul 11, 2007
Methane gas, um, escaping from cattle is a serious problem in the fight against global warming. British scientists are trying to get to the bottom of the problem by changing cows' diets. Stephen Beard reports.

Beware duty-free shopping wizardry

Jul 11, 2007
Airport terminals may not be especially magical places, but watch out for witchcraft in all the airport shops, warns commentator Moira Manion. She's found clever forces at work to separate us from our money.

Alcan may be able to foil Alcoa bid

Jul 11, 2007
Canadian aluminum maker Alcan has been in a bind for the last two months, fighting off a hostile takeover from U.S. rival Alcoa. Today there's word that Alcan may have found a willing partner in London-based Rio Tinto. Michael Hlinka gives us the back story.

Google's ultimate mapping weapon

Jul 11, 2007
Google may rule the search universe, but MapQuest still has a corner on the Internet mapping and direction market -- for now. Google this morning launched a new application that it hopes will catapult its ranking. Dan Grech reports.