Tamara Keith

Latest Stories (58)

Obama: Cleveland Clinic a good model

Jul 23, 2009
Covering the uninsured and improving quality while cutting costs have been two of President Obama's objectives in a health care overhaul. To illustrate these goals, he's highlighting one hospital viewed as a success story. Tamara Keith reports.

Obama steps up push for health reform

Jul 23, 2009
At a White House press conference, President Obama asserts that a new health care policy is needed to bring the nation's larger economic problems under control. Marketplace's Tamara Keith reviews the president's talking points with Kai Ryssdal.

Fed's CIT bailout refusal a smart move

Jul 20, 2009
The federal government played hardball by refusing to grant CIT a bailout, leaving it to the bank's bondholders to save it from bankruptcy. The move hints that the bailout spending spree may be winding down. Tamara Keith reports.

2-year colleges struggle with demand

Jul 14, 2009
President Obama wants to increase the number of students completing degrees at community colleges. But many of the 2-year schools are under stress from increasing demands and decreasing budgets due to the recession. Tamara Keith reports.

Help calls bog down mortgage program

Jul 10, 2009
It's been several months since the White House began it's Making Home Affordable plan. The goal was to encourage banks to modify loans of homeowners in foreclosure. Tamara Keith reports on loan counselors who are trying to do just that.

Banks must improve loan modifications

Jul 10, 2009
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and HUD secretary Shaun Donovan are urging some of the country's largest banks to step up their efforts to help homeowners modify their mortgages. Tamara Keith reports.

A deeper look into the Rio Tinto saga

Jul 10, 2009
Chinese authorities are holding an executive from the Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto on charges of stealing state secrets over iron ore prices. Tamara Keith delves deeper into Rio Tinto's tumultuous relationship with China.

New at the mall: The health-care store

Jul 8, 2009
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida has opened an Apple Store-style outlet that offers health-insurance services. Could it be coming to a mall near you? Tamara Keith reports.

Inside a loan service call center

Jul 1, 2009
Calling your bank for loan advice can be a frustrating maze of automated messages and people without answers. But what's it like on the other side of the line at the nation's largest loan servicer, Bank of America? Tamara Keith reports.

Auto struggles drive parts makers down

Jun 29, 2009
Chrysler is reopening several U.S. assembly plants, but it may be too late for some parts suppliers. Tamara Keith reports on the shakeout among auto parts makers.