Steve Chiotakis

Latest Stories (374)

A look at the morning markets

May 21, 2009
Steve Chiotakis talks to Bill Stone, Chief Investment Strategist at PNC Wealth Management in Philadelphia.

Where to take stock in B of A

May 20, 2009
Bank of America stock is up, but analyst Juli Niemann of Smith, Moore, and Company in St. Louis isn't convinced the stock sale means much. She tells Steve Chiotakis why.

Wall Street reacts to everything

May 19, 2009
Steve Chiotakis breaks down housing construction and new fuel efficiency standards with Juli Niemann from Smith, Moore and Company in St. Louis.

Why India should matter to us

May 18, 2009
Why should we care about India's economy? Steve Chiotakis explores investing markets with Sam Stovall, Chief Investment Strategist at S&P Equity Research.

Social Security crisis on the horizon

May 18, 2009
Social Security is losing billions and younger people working today could face benefit cuts in the future. Steve Chiotakis talks to Fortune Magazine's Allan Sloan about what the government can do to avoid a retirement disaster.

Immigration likely to follow economy

May 15, 2009
Stricter border enforcement and fewer jobs are tarnishing the allure of the U.S. for Latin American immigrants. Princeton sociology professor Douglas Massey talks with Steve Chiotakis about the possible consequences of this shift in the American economy.

Library puts tools in people's hands

May 14, 2009
Bob Horton, manager of a tool library in Springfield, Mo., talks with Steve Chiotakis about whether we all really need our own stuff. His organization loans out everyday tools like power drills and lawnmowers.

His drive to suburbia's a (natural) gas

May 13, 2009
The private automobile helped build suburbia. But cars generate about one quarter of all man-made greenhouse gases. Dick Messer, executive director of the Petersen Automotive Museum, loves his alternative ride -- and it's not electric.

Housing community has lots in common

May 12, 2009
Kathy Journeay, a health-care administrator near Boston, talks with Steve Chiotakis about her experiment with a different kind of suburban living called "cohousing."

Should we celebrate low jobless claims?

May 7, 2009
Steve Chiotakis talks to Bill Stone, Chief Investment Strategist at PNC Wealth Management, about the bank stress tests, jobless claims and retail sales.