Rico Gagliano

Latest Stories (153)

Is bailout job creation tally accurate?

Oct 30, 2009
The White House will release its latest data on the jobs created by the federal bailout fund. But some wonder how accurate those numbers are. Rico Gagliano reports.

Why should we care about GDP?

Oct 28, 2009
The government's expected to announce that U.S. Gross Domestic Product grew more than 3 percent in the third quarter. If those estimates hold up, economists say the recession has technically ended. But does GDP really matter? Rico Gagliano reports.

'King' revamps for global conquest

Oct 7, 2009
Burger King patrons will soon be privy to brick walls and industrial metal counter-tops as the chain revamps its restaurants to make it more globally competitive. But this might be a tough sell for franchisees. Rico Gagliano reports.

GM dealers satisfied with eBay trial

Sep 30, 2009
General Motors began an experiment in July that had ealers posting new cars for sale on eBay. The project ends today, and although cars didn't fly off the lot as a result, the move piqued plenty of interest. Rico Gagliano reports.

The former lives of steelworkers

Sep 25, 2009
Pittsburgh, site of the G-20 conference this past week, was once home to thousands of steelworkers. Rico Gagliano talks to two of them about how they moved on after their industry collapsed.

Workers transform after loss of steel

Sep 23, 2009
When Pittsburgh's steel industry began to fall apart, steel workers needed to find a new way to survive. Marketplace's Rico Gagliano spoke with former steel workers to see if they had any advice for autoworkers in Detroit.

Pittsburgh shakes off its rust and grows

Sep 22, 2009
With the G20 Summit beginning later this week in Pittsburgh, Pa., Rico Gagliano reports on how years of population losses have affected his hometown, and how it's bouncing back.

Clues to Cleveland's foreclosure crisis

Sep 18, 2009
The foreclosure crisis hit Cleveland especially hard, but the question is why? Rico Gagliano tries to find out.

New GI Bill aid may be late for school

Aug 20, 2009
The post-9/11 GI Bill provides military veterans with tuition assistance, and other expenses. But that money may not come in time for the start of the school year. Rico Gagliano reports.

Credit-card fraud's business model

Aug 18, 2009
What does a criminal mastermind do with 130 million credit-card numbers? How exactly do fraudsters make money? Rico Gagliano reports.