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Kai Ryssdal

Host and Senior Editor


Kai is the host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy — radio or television, commercial or public broadcasting — in the country. Kai speaks regularly with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, startup entrepreneurs, small-business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his career in broadcasting, Kai served in the United States Navy and United States Foreign Service. He’s a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University. Kai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children.

Latest Stories (5,786)

Storm uncovers China's weak points

Feb 7, 2008
Last week's powerful snow storms in China derailed many travel plans for the Lunar New Year, including those of migrant workers. Kai Ryssdal talks to Scott Tong in Shanghai about how the storm exposed vulnerabilities in China's infrastructure.

Phoenix rising as a sports city

Feb 7, 2008
The NBA's Phoenix Suns announced they've traded for Shaquille O'Neal. But the Suns acquisition is just a small part of how Phoenix is turning into a mecca for sports. Kai Ryssdal talks to our business of sports analyst Diana Nyad.

Unemployment benefits need overhaul

Feb 6, 2008
The Senate is considering whether to lengthen the six-month period in which people can collect unemployment. Commentator Robert Reich says not only should unemployment benefits be extended, they should also be reformed.

Cell phone advertising to get specific

Feb 6, 2008
CBS Mobile has announced a way to advertise businesses on your cell phone that are near your location. Kai Ryssdal talks to Alice Cuneo of Ad Age magazine about it.

Letters from our listeners

Feb 5, 2008
The mailbox is bursting with your comments: your thoughts on the new patriotic passport, the economic stimulus package rebate checks and moving up the California primary.

Finding Drucker's vision in all that stuff

Feb 4, 2008
Commentator Charles Handy reflects on the philosophies of economist Peter Drucker to figure out what to do when a consumer economy starts to buy less stuff. First in an occasional series.

Google feeling Microsoft-Yahoo pinch

Feb 4, 2008
After making statements that the Microsoft-Yahoo deal will stifle innovation, Google has begun talks with Yahoo to dissuade a sale. Janet Babin reports on what Google is afraid of.

Commission: Roads, bridges in disrepair

Feb 1, 2008
A Congressional commission has released a report citing major problems in America's roads and transportation systems. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Week on Wall Street

Feb 1, 2008
Stockbroker and business analyst David Johnson chats with host Kai Ryssdal about what happened on Wall Street this week and what may lie ahead.

Marketing American football to Mexico

Feb 1, 2008
Mexico is home to the biggest football audience outside the U.S. and Canada, and now the NFL is trying out creative ways to market the sport there. Claudine LoMonaco reports.