Jocelyn Ford

Latest Stories (89)

Hong Kong not going to Disneyland

Sep 12, 2006
Hong Kong Disneyland celebrated its first year today, but the party got rained on — literally and figuratively. The $3.5 billion park has fallen short of its goal to attract 5.6 million visitors. Jocelyn Ford reports.

China taking its cut of information sales

Sep 11, 2006
China has issued rules that ban foreign news agencies like the Associated Press from going directly to customers in China. They'll have to sell their news, photos and financial information via the state-owned news agency, Xinhua. Jocelyn Ford reports.

iPod manufacturer sues journalists

Aug 30, 2006
The Taiwanese company that manufactures Apple's iPod is suing two journalists for $3.5 million for writing that it had poor working conditions in its factory. And the journalists' assets have been frozen, Jocelyn Ford reports.

Migrant workers in China getting a voice

Aug 29, 2006
China's economic boom is built on the backs of 180 million farmers who've flocked to cities. Exploitation of this labor force has been widespread, but in recent years migrant workers have been getting a louder voice. Jocelyn Ford reports.

New bankruptcy law in China

Aug 28, 2006
China's getting a new bankruptcy law that will help it move closer to a market economy, but it won't be welcomed by workers. Jocelyn Ford explains.

BofA selling Asia operations

Aug 25, 2006
Bank of America is selling its retail operations in Hong Kong and Macao to the Construction Bank of China for $1.2 billion dollars. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Should monks accept gifts?

Aug 24, 2006
China's most famous kung fu monk is the center of a hot debate on the Internet. Chinese Web surfers are debating whether it's OK for monks from the famed Shaolin Temple that's inspired many martial arts movies to live in luxury.

Chavez talks oil with China

Aug 22, 2006
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez may be anti-American, but the US is still his top oil customer. Today, he arrives in China where he hopes to divert some of that trade — despite a pesky geographic detail. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Chavez talks oil with China

Aug 22, 2006
China hosts Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez today as he kicks off a six-day visit. Venezuela currently sells over half of its oil to the US, but Chavez is looking to divert some of that trade to China. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Bribery business as usual in China

Aug 21, 2006
In China, bribery is a fact of business life. A whopping 94 percent of Chinese believe that, according to a survey by a Chinese university. Jocelyn Ford reports from Beijing.