Jim Burress

Latest Stories (69)

Dell reaches $24.4 billion deal to go private

Feb 5, 2013
Founder Michael Dell, equity firm Silver Lake Partners, and Microsoft are taking the Texas-based company off the market in an effort to make the company more agile, and hopefully, more profitable.

Justice Department sues S&P over securities ratings

Feb 5, 2013
In a lawsuit filed late Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice claims the credit rating firm Standard & Poor’s knew some $4 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities were risky.

Twitter shines as lights go out at Superdome

Feb 4, 2013
A dark moment in football history is turning out to be a bright spot for social media.

The open house is back -- and so are the 'lookie-loos'

Feb 1, 2013
Resurgent home sales are a boon for those who like to tour open houses for fun.

Pentagon cuts threaten economies in military towns

Jan 29, 2013
As furloughs loom, worries abound in Warner Robins, Ga.

Short on tax revenue, Atlanta counties sue HSBC

Jan 28, 2013
The housing crash not only touched off a wave of foreclosures, it torpedoed property values and the taxes cities and counties collect off them. But some localities are fighting back in an effort to reverse their budget shortfalls.

'Tebowing,' 'Linsanity'...and now 'Kaepernicking'

Jan 24, 2013
The 49er QB looks to trademark the name of his signature move, but is it worth it?

Is the dollar menu good for McDonald's bottom line?

Jan 23, 2013
Cheap food draws customers, but also cuts into profits.

Donated deer meat falls at Georgia food banks

Jan 22, 2013
Tough economy has more hunters keeping more of their take for themselves.

Airlines make more money by offering fewer seats

Jan 21, 2013
Airlines to turn profit offering fewer -- but fuller -- flights.