Janet Babin

Latest Stories (605)

These Wal-Mart items are pricey

May 6, 2011
A Walton heir pays high prices to stock her new museum in Bentonville -- and the family contributes $800 million.

Cities face hurdles in foreclosure cases

May 5, 2011
Los Angeles is suing Deutsche Bank for neglecting foreclosed homes, joining other cities trying to get banks to pay for neighborhood blight.

Colleges make up for financial loss on 'don't ask, don't tell'

May 2, 2011
The 18-year-old policy is on its way out. And for some schools that means federal funds are on the way in.

School budgets up for a vote

Apr 26, 2011
It's that time again in cities and towns across the country. We take an inside look at the battle in Cherry Hill, N.J.

Jury rules against Mattel in Bratz doll case

Apr 22, 2011
The seven-year battle between rival toy companies over who owns Bratz dolls has finally ended. A federal jury says Mattel must pay Bratz doll-maker MGA Entertainment Inc. $88 million in damages.

MLB takes over Los Angeles Dodgers

Apr 21, 2011
Major League Baseball has moved to seize control of the Dodgers from owner Frank McCourt -- a rare move that could have a high price.

First quarter tech earnings soar

Apr 20, 2011
Despite predictions that supply shortages from Japan would hurt production, the tech industry has reported strong earnings in the first quarter, and Janet Babin explains.

Goldman Sachs profits beat expectations

Apr 19, 2011
Goldman Sachs reported first quarter earnings of $1.56 a share today, after posting a huge decrease in first quarter profits, as Janet Babin explains.

FAA proposes more sleep to keep controllers awake

Apr 18, 2011
Air traffic controllers will get an extra hour off between shifts to prevent on-the-job napping, according to new rules from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration

Southeast U.S. copes after deadly tornadoes

Apr 18, 2011
This weekend's storm system that spawned more than 200 tornadoes has left the southeast reeling today. Janet Babin reports from Durham, N.C. about the painful -- and expensive -- rebuilding process.