Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

Food processes slow down Tanzania

Mar 2, 2009
In Tanzania, 80% of the population works in agriculture. But high global food prices aren't exactly helping Tanzanians. Many are still poor because much of their home-grown food goes to waste. Gretchen Wilson reports.

African art that's Made in China

Feb 27, 2009
African craft artists pump about $300 million into the economy. But the locals are finding it tougher to compete with factories in China making replicas of their crafts. Gretchen Wilson explores how this is a form of identity theft.

Translation software opens up doors

Jan 14, 2009
For people living in developing countries, it can be difficult learning how to use technology when the language can't be understood. But with new translation software becoming available, a whole new world of technology is opening up. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Financial crisis ripples through Africa

Nov 12, 2008
While Africa is not feeling the effects of the financial crisis the same way as many other countries, it's still bracing itself for ripple effects such as cooled global demand. Gretchen Wilson reports.

South African economy feels jitters too

Sep 24, 2008
The African National Congress has run South Africa since the first democratic elections in 1994. But a power struggle among ANC leaders is shaking the nation's economy. Gretchen Wilson reports from Johannesburg.

Nigeria's efforts at peace in oil sector

Sep 11, 2008
Determined to quell militant violence in the oil-rich but impoverished Niger Delta, the Nigerian government has set up peace talks and established a ministry for the region. Gretchen Wilson explains.

Angolans vote for first time in 16 years

Sep 5, 2008
Today's election in Angola is significant worldwide because the African nation -- in peace after a decades-long war -- has major stores of oil, gems and metals. Gretchen Wilson reports.

S. Africa debates control of elephants

Aug 28, 2008
Inside South Africa's nature reserves, herds of elephants are growing. So the government's come up with a new plan -- with an eye toward the bottom line. Gretchen Wilson reports.

A world of opportunity for South Africa

Aug 21, 2008
South Africa is busy building up its infrastructure in preparation for the 2010 World Cup. The tournament will pump about $3 billion into the economy and create about 200,000 jobs. Gretchen Wilson has more.

From shanty town to shopping mall

Jul 18, 2008
In South Africa, a part of town infamous for its politics and activism is being transformed into a retail mecca -- and residents are buying it up. Gretchen Wilson reports.