Fourth quarter GDP

Jan 27, 2006
The government is expected to release GDP figure for the fourth quarter of 2005 today, and analysts predict the number will show that the economy slowed during the last three months of the year. Bob Moon has more.

Leery of Lexus Lanes

Jan 25, 2006
Savvy Traveler commentator Rudy Maxa cries foul over government plans for two-tiered security screening at airports.

Assisted suicide law

Jan 18, 2006
The Supreme Court has upheld Oregon's assisted suicide law. Critics worry the law will encourage poor patients to choose suicide rather than burden their families with expensive medical bills. But as Sam Eaton reports, that hasn't been the case in Oregon.

Workplace intimidation

Jan 17, 2006
President Bush has decried the fact that a government worker went to the media with details about his domestic spying program. But as Jeff Tyler reports, workers at government intelligence agencies have little recourse if they want to "blow the whistle" on questionable practices.

Alito TV spots

Jan 4, 2006
Supporters and opponents of the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court are pouring millions into TV advertising campaigns. Jeff Tyler has more.

Gas mix price hikes

Jan 2, 2006
New regulations over gas formulations are likely to push prices at the pump back toward $3 a gallon. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.

Superfund's anniversary

Dec 29, 2005
This month marks the 25th anniversary of legislation that created the Superfund tax to clean up polluted industrial sites. But as Alex Cohen reports, the fund is currently out of money.

For public good, not for profit.

Spies like us

Dec 21, 2005
Commentator Robert Reich says news that President Bush authorized spying on Americans without a court order should be cause for concern for business leaders.

Defense bill as Christmas tree

Dec 21, 2005
In an effort to pass controversial provisions like drilling in ANWR, senators have tacked them onto a "must-pass" appropriations bill to fund defense programs, like so many ornaments on a Christmas tree. John Dimsdale reports.

Immigration reform

Dec 15, 2005
The House is expected to vote on a new bill today making it harder for illegal immigrants to work in this country. As Gretchen Cook reports, many in the business community are crying foul.