Explainers 331 - 340 of 622

Showing page 34 of 63


Nov 12, 2020
McDonald's actually wasn't the first fast food restaurant to offer drive-through service.

Smart Speakers

Nov 11, 2020
About 1 in 4 U.S. adults owns a smart speaker of some kind.

Executive Branch Budget

Nov 10, 2020
The president oversees 15 departments and millions of employees. That costs a lot of taxpayer money.

Post-Election Government

Nov 9, 2020
Congress is still in session, and outgoing lawmakers still have work to do.

Labor Force Participation

Nov 6, 2020
To understand unemployment during this pandemic, look at how many people are participating in the labor force.

Unemployment Insurance

Nov 5, 2020
Weekly new claims for unemployment insurance have been historically high during the pandemic.

Flu Shots

Nov 4, 2020
Flu shots keep the economy running.

Election Day

Nov 3, 2020
This is why Election Day is on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

I Voted Stickers

Nov 2, 2020
The "I VOTED" sticker has a complicated history.

Halloween Candy

Oct 30, 2020
Halloween is gonna be different, but we're still gonna eat fun-sized candy./