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IndyCar tries to steer back on track

May 29, 2008
In recent years, IndyCar Racing has spun out, falling from one of the most exciting moments in sports to a distant second to NASCAR. Kai Ryssdal talks to sports expert Diana Nyad about the future of the IRL.

Greenhouse bill heats business debate

May 29, 2008
A new Senate bill would cut U.S. greenhouse emissions by 70 percent. Most lawmakers agree on the goal but debate remains over how to design a system that's fair to businesses. Sam Eaton reports.

Apple's tech goes suburban

May 29, 2008
Apple's products continue to wow consumers, but commentator and Internet scholar Jonathan Zittrain argues the company's recent moves toward proprietary systems lock out the company's oldest fans.

Winners and losers in the food crisis

May 29, 2008
Rising food prices mean an opportunity for boosting agricultural infrastructure, but unless aid programs shift their focus, the incentives won't trickle down to the poorest regions. Jeff Tyler reports.

Iraq asks neighbors for debt relief

May 29, 2008
The Iraqi government is asking Arab nations to forgive its debts, and one neighbor is more than eager to help. John Dimsdale reports.

Consumers reach for the plastic

May 29, 2008
Credit got many of us into this financial mess, but can credit get us back out? Many Americans think so, and credit card companies are happy to oblige. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

High profits for low-end retailers

May 29, 2008
Tight economic times for consumers are meaning big jumps in profits for value retailers such as Costco and Big Lots. Bob Moon explains how stores are adapting to consumers' shrinking budgets.

For public good, not for profit.

United, USAir could talk merger

May 29, 2008
The CEOs of United and US Airways are meeting today, and merger talks may not be too far off. But despite obvious hurdles, including different labor unions and systems, Jeremy Hobson reports they may not have much choice.

Tata further details takeover plans

May 29, 2008
Indian automaker Tata Motors announced its yearly results this week and further details on how it plans to takeover Jaguar and Land Rover. Mehul Srivastava reports the impact of Tata's news on shares.

Can we blame it on index speculators?

May 29, 2008
The yo-yoing of gas prices is dizzying, and one theory points to index speculators as one reason for the price volatility. Economics correspondent Chris Farrell talks to Scott Jagow about whether index and speculators belong together.