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Coke to buy Chinese juice maker

Sep 3, 2008
The Coca-Cola company announced its intention to buy Chinese juice maker Huiyuan, a purchase that would expand Coca-Cola's operations in the huge Chinese market. Host Bob Moon talks with Scott Tong in Shanghai.

Convention roles of corporate reps

Sep 3, 2008
Corporate representatives who attend the convention come in two flavors, says commentator Robert Reich. He also discovered that sometimes reps from the same company play contradictory roles.

Economic health report due

Sep 3, 2008
The government today will release its monthly report on factory orders for non-durable goods -- things like clothing, food and gas. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports on what the numbers are expected to show.

Renewed trust in Freddie and Fannie

Sep 3, 2008
The government's implicit backing of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae has apparently convinced investors that the two mortgage giants are a safe bet. John Dimsdale finds out why.

Boeing machinists voting on contract

Sep 2, 2008
If International Association of Machinists members reject the new contract proposal, a strike could cost Boeing $100 million a day and delay delivery of work for the government. Danielle Karson reports.

Acupuncture touted for low-cost care

Sep 2, 2008
A possible solution to high health-care costs might be coming from an unlikely source -- an alternative form of treatment that's been around for centuries. Joel Rose reports.

Google has shiny new Chrome browser

Sep 2, 2008
The Internet search giant is adding a browser to its mix of products. Rafe Needleman of was at Google's announcement today. He shares the details with Kai Ryssdal.

For public good, not for profit.

Schools use 4-day week to cut costs

Sep 2, 2008
Rising fuel costs are affecting virtually every school district in the nation, according to a new survey. Some schools are keeping classes in session longer, but only four days a week. Jeremy Hobson reports.

McCain must focus on the payroll tax

Sep 2, 2008
Commentator Reihan Salam says some Republicans have lost touch with the economic anxiety of average Americans. He offers a suggestion for self-improvement.

'90210' is next to woo young viewers

Sep 2, 2008
The remake of the popular 1990's show "Beverly Hills 90210" debuts tonight. It's the latest try at getting young viewers to spend a little less time in front of You Tube and a little more time in front of that other tube. Janet Babin reports.