From This Collection

Just wait for the hearings on this...

Nov 25, 2008
It seems that a week after saying he wasn't going to use the other half of the 700 billion dollar bailout package, Treasury Secretary Paulson has...

How's it going at your workplace?

Nov 21, 2008
We're interested in how the economic crisis and layoffs are changing people's behavior and the overall atmosphere at the place where you work. We...

If you've been wondering...

Nov 21, 2008
...who's getting how much of the bailout money, the New York Times has a handy-dandy tracking chart here....

I'm pretty sure this is bad...

Nov 21, 2008
I was traveling yesterday -- to New York for an interview with the CEO of Macy's that'll air next week. But I wanted to point this out....

For public good, not for profit.

If you're keeping score

Nov 18, 2008
Barry Ritholtz has an interesting table over at The Big Picture: which stock market indices have fallen farthest fastest since their peaks.

Not so easy...

Nov 18, 2008
Starting a company and successfully running it are once again proving to be two very different things....