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From This Collection

Grow your own food

Nov 25, 2010
Dedicating and maintaining a simple garden bed is not difficult. We have a small garden and grow simple things like herbs, tomatoes, kale, arugula....


Nov 25, 2010
Fruit scraps, coffee, egg shells, and anything organic can be turned to soil for your garden instead of going to the dump! Many cities subsidize...

Switch to CF light bulbs

Nov 25, 2010
Invest in a few CF light bulbs or an energy-efficient refrigerator and you can easily lower your electric bills even if you sign up for wind power...

Encourage your business, school, or community to invest in its own wind turbine

Nov 25, 2010
Small and community wind systems are increasing in efficiency and coming down in cost. Depending on where you live, you may be able to make your...

Find out if you can sign up to power your home and business with wind

Nov 25, 2010
Resellers of wind power, such as Clean Currents in the Washington, D.C. area, now let you buy up to 100% of your electricity from wind farms,...

Recycle aluminum, plastic, glass and paper

Nov 25, 2010
If everyone in the U.S. recycled aluminum, plastic, glass and paper, total U.S. carbon emissions would be reduced by 0.3 percent. We throw a lot...

For public good, not for profit.

Reduce standby power in your home

Nov 25, 2010
If everyone in the U.S. reduced the standby power in their home, total U.S. carbon emissions would be reduced by 0.3 percent. Standby power, aka...

Switch to green power at your utility company

Nov 25, 2010
Reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Many utility companies offer a "green power" option, which typically refers to electricity supplied from...

Switch out the bulbs to LEDs or CFLs

Nov 25, 2010
This is one of the easiest things you can do to seriously reduce your energy consumption and your home's carbon footprint. LEDs are fast overtaking...