Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

Supporters of apartheid might pay

Oct 17, 2007
A decision by a New York court is allowing survivors of South African apartheid violence to seek damages from U.S. companies who supported the regime. Gretchen Wilson has more.

War at cost of aid in Africa

Oct 11, 2007
A report out today says conflicts in Africa have cost the continent $284 billion since 1990. That's about equal to what's being funneled there in international aid. Gretchen Wilson has more.

Soweto workers get a sweet ride

Oct 3, 2007
For many residents of Soweto on the outskirts of Johannesburg, the work place is in the city. And thanks to the Soweto Business Express, the commute is plush with middle-class comforts new to local train culture. Gretchen Wilson has the story.

Private water flash point

Sep 27, 2007
Using new water meters, South Africa's found a way to put conservation and commerce on the same page. But Gretchen Wilson reports human costs don't appear on the bill, and the disparity of who gets water -- and how much -- has the potential to be a flash point.

'We don't feel free at all'

Sep 21, 2007
South Africa's economy is growing at almost 5% a year, with prosperity visible in major cities. But 13 years after the nation's first democratic elections, the boom hasn't trickled down to the poorest communities. And angry residents are speaking out. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Kicking off South Africa's economy

Sep 14, 2007
Today marks the 1,000-day countdown to the next World Cup in South Africa. With millions of fans making the event a probable boon for the country, it's been celebrating by spending billions to prepare. Gretchen Wilson has more.

Inflation guts Zimbabwe's economy

Sep 12, 2007
Zimbabwe suffers from an inflation rate the government pegs at 7,000 percent. But it's maybe two or three times that in actual practice. Reporter Gretchen Wilson helps us understand what that really means.

Seeking bright ideas for Africa

Sep 10, 2007
The World Bank is offering grants to those who can come up with low-cost alternative light sources for Africa, which spends billions of dollars a year on unsafe non-electrical lighting. Gretchen Wilson has more.

Gold workers hit pay dirt (sort of)

Aug 30, 2007
The price of gold has more than doubled in recent years, but that hasn't translated to double the profits for producers and certainly not double the salary for workers. But they are getting 8 to 10 percent raises. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Oil price balancing act

Aug 29, 2007
Oil-consuming countries want OPEC to put more oil on the market to drive down prices. OPEC really has no interest in that and is quick to point out that refinery constraints in places like the U.S. are the real stopgap. Gretchen Wilson fills us in.