Mutually-assured (economic) destruction

Mar 7, 2014
Journalists and scholars see reasons this is -- and isn't -- deja vu all over again.

Weekly Wrap: Derivative fight!

Jan 31, 2014
Catherine Rampell and Felix Salmon join Kai Ryssdal to bid farewell to Ben Bernanke, analyze Argentina, and argue about calculus

Weekly wrap: Good news in the jobs report? + #longreads

Dec 6, 2013
Heidi Moore from the Guardian and the Wall Street Journal's Sudeep Reddy join host Kai Ryssdal to look back at the week's business news and forward at where the economy is going after today's jobs report.

Weekly Wrap: As goes housing, goes the economy? + #longreads

Nov 29, 2013
Cardiff Garcia from FT Alphaville and Bloomberg's Nela Richardson join Lizzie O'Leary to look back at the week's business news and forward at where the economy is going.

Weekly Wrap: Dow hits 16,000; where will it go next? + longreads

Nov 22, 2013
A look back at the business and economic news of the week, with Sudeep Reddy of the Wall Street Journal and Leigh Gallagher of Fortune.

Weekly wrap: Jobs report review + #longreads

Nov 8, 2013
Catherine Rampell and Felix Salmon join Kai Ryssdal to recap the week in business and finance.

Weekly Wrap: Aflutter over Twitter plus #longreads

Nov 1, 2013
Leigh Gallagher, editor of Fortune Magazine, and Sudeep Reddy from the Wall Street Journal recap the week in news.

For public good, not for profit.

What a week: Digesting the end of the shutdown

Oct 18, 2013
John Carney and Nela Richardson join the show to wrap up a tumultuous week in Washington.

Wall Street's latest reaction to Washington debt ceiling talks

Oct 11, 2013
The Weekly Wrap takes a look at the continued government shutdown and what's ahead in the debt ceiling talks.

No jobs report, but economy keeps moving

Oct 4, 2013
The government shutdown means no unemployment numbers have been released for September.