Stories Tagged as
Delta fends off US Air
Feb 1, 2007
US Airways withdrew its $10 billion hostile takeover bid after Delta's creditors agreed to see the company through its bankruptcy. Steve Tripoli looks at what may have been behind that calculation.
British Airways strike is off
Jan 29, 2007
BA has struck a deal with flight attendants to prevent a two-day strike scheduled to start at midnight tonight. But it won't prevent headaches for many travelers, Stephen Beard reports.
British Airways cancels flights due to strike threat
Jan 25, 2007
In response to a threatened strike by its cabin crews, British Airways cancelled all of its flights for next Tuesday and Wednesday. Our London bureau chief Stephen Beard talks with host Tess Vigeland about the stand-off.
British Airways will ground all planes
Jan 25, 2007
The U.K. carrier has warned that it will cancel all its flights for two days next week if cabin crews carry out their threat to go on strike. Stephen Beard reports.
Controlling Europe's airport fees
Jan 25, 2007
The E.U. has drawn up plans to curb fees at European airports. If passed, the new law would prevent "excessive increases" in the charges that airlines have to pay. Stephen Beard reports.
Paying for better eyes in the skies
Jan 23, 2007
The number of flights in the United States is expected to triple in the next 20 years. That's lit a fire under a long-planned, multibillion-dollar overhaul of the air-traffic-control system. Kim Green reports.
Delta discusses US Air bid
Alisa Roth
Jan 22, 2007
US Airways put forth a sweetened hostile bid last month, and now Delta will discuss it with its directors — but only because it has to. Alisa Roth looks at whether the move would make strategic sense.
For public good, not for profit.
New passport rules take effect tomorrow
Jan 22, 2007
Beginning tomorrow, anyone flying anywhere outside the U.S. will need a valid passport. That's worrisome for businesses in Mexico and Canada that count on American tourists. Hillary Wicai reports.
And the worst drivers are . . .
Jan 22, 2007
Researchers have come up with a new traffic database that reveals some statistics which fly in the face of certain driver stereotypes — and auto insurance rates. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.
Puttin' Taj on the Ritz
Jan 11, 2007
The original Ritz-Carlton in Boston gets a new owner today and, yes, Mumbai-based Taj Hotels will change the iconic hotel's name. Curt Nickisch reports.