New fears of Spanish bailout rise

Jul 23, 2012
Overseas markets are sliding this morning on new worries about Spain. After last week's bank bailouts, that seemed like an end to the country's crisis, Spain's borrowing costs are up again to 7.5 percent.

Italian debt rating downgraded two levels

Jul 13, 2012
In Europe today, the focus has shifted from Spain to Italy, in the ongoing EU debt crisis. Moody's credit rating agency has downgraded Italian debt to just two levels above junk status.

Spanish leaders announces new austerity measures

Jul 12, 2012
As the first batch of bailout funds arrives at Spain's banks, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has announced an austerity plan to slash the public deficit. This includes tax hikes and cuts to unemployment benefits.

What's up, Europe? Protesters in Madrid

Jul 11, 2012
In Spain today, the government announced new austerity measures to meet the terms of the bank bailout early this month: $80 billion worth of tax increases and pay and benefit cuts.

Cyprus is the latest EU nation to seek a bailout

Jun 26, 2012
The tiny Mediterranean island nation says it needs $10 billion to avoid default just as Spain makes a formal request for a bank bailout

Why is Spain causing so much pain?

Jun 20, 2012
Spain's debt costs are rising and some fear the nation may soon need a full-scale bailout. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the big problem with Spain, using a housing analogy.
A euro coin with the Spanish flag in the background. Spain's debt costs are rising and some fear the nation may soon need a full-scale bailout. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the big problem with Spain, using a housing analogy.
Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images

Spain in trouble as borrowing costs rise over 7%

Jun 19, 2012
If yesterday was all about Greece, today belongs to Spain. Concern about Spanish banks has pushed the government's borrowing costs over 7 percent. That's a level that pushed other smaller European countries -- like Greece -- over the edge.

For public good, not for profit.

With Greek elections done for now, what's next?

Jun 18, 2012
Looking ahead at what's to come for other eurozone countries and what's happening at the G20 summit.

Eurozone crisis remains far from over

Jun 18, 2012
The election results are in from Greece, and the pro-bailout, pro-austerity New Democracy party narrowly beat the anti-bailout Syriza party in yesterday's elections and is now trying to form a coalition government. That means the euro stays together for the moment.

What's up, Europe? After Greece, spotlight's on Spain

Jun 18, 2012
Now that the Greek election has passed, people are looking at Spain -- which may be headed towards a full bailout.