Mexican politics in turmoil

Jul 5, 2006
The presidential election was Sunday, but today Mexico begins the official recount. It could take several days, but it looks as though the markets have already picked their winner. Dan Grech reports from Mexico City.

Can e-newspapers save the industry?

Jul 5, 2006
What if you could fold up a computer screen and stuff it into your back pocket like a newspaper? Rachel Dornhelm reports on a new technology that might just help revive old media.

Viral video

Jul 3, 2006
CNet executive editor Brian Cooley and host Mark Austin Thomas discuss the market potential of viral videos.

More Microsoft delays

Jun 30, 2006
On the heels of the delayed launched of its new operating software, Microsoft announced yet another delay for its Office 2007 software package. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Happiest wireless place on Earth

Jun 29, 2006
The city of Anaheim, home to Disneyland and other attractions, will launch citywide wireless Internet capability today. It's a trial run in efforts to bring Wi-Fi to bigger cities, Lisa Napoli reports.

Google to unveil Gbuy

Jun 28, 2006
Search engine giant Google is expected to launch a new online payment service to compete against eBay's PayPal. Charla Bear has the story.

Ma Microsoft

Jun 27, 2006
Software giant Microsoft continues its quest to diversify, announcing plans to develop a one-stop business communications platform that would include computer-based phone service. Lisa Napoli reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Smart car rolling into US

Jun 26, 2006
It gets 60 miles per gallon, only seats two people and was designed by Swatch. Tomorrow, DaimlerChrysler plans to announce it will finally sell its Smart Car in the US. But will the car take off with American drivers? Bob Moon has the story.

Customer service reps beware

Jun 26, 2006
The Internet is abuzz with talk over how AOL has made it harder for members to quit. Ethan Lindsey looks at why AOL's new membership policies may help the bottom line but hurt its PR.
AOL sign
Joe Raedle (c) Getty Images

Virtual soccer training

Jun 22, 2006
Australia's soccer team can advance to the next round of the World Cup tournament today with a win over Croatia. One key to the team's success so far has been a computer. Ethan Lindsey reports.