Pizza for pesos

Jan 8, 2007
If you've got Mexican pesos in your pocket and a hankering for a pepperoni pizza, then Pizza Patron's the place for you. Antonio Swad, the Dallas-based company's president, talks with Kai Ryssdal about the new offer.

A wake-up call for the cell-phone industry

Jan 5, 2007
Motorola today cut its projections for 4th-quarter growth. And some on Wall Street worry the news might mean trouble for the whole mobile-phone industry. Jeff Tyler reports.

Wal-Mart dealing for the sun

Jan 4, 2007
Tomorrow marks one of the first major milestones in Wal-Mart's green makeover. Bids are due for a solar power project that could become the biggest in history. Sam Eaton reports.

With no Home Depot improvement, CEO exits

Jan 3, 2007
The company underperformed, its stock tanked, but Home Depot's board still gave outgoing chief Robert Nardelli a $210 million severance package. Dan Grech has more.

Home Depot CEO is out

Jan 3, 2007
Your company underperforms, your stock tanks and you make millions? That's a recipe for some unhappy shareholders. The struggling home improvement retailer announced today that CEO Robert Nardelli has resigned. Dan Grech reports.

'Til debt do us part

Jan 1, 2007
How much are you supposed to spend on wedding bands — the ones you exchange at the altar? We asked Sean Cole to walk down that aisle for us.

Holiday shoppers' final play is in the cards

Dec 26, 2006
Disappointed by pre-Christmas sales, retailers are hoping that spending with gift cards will boost their bottom lines. Providence College professor Dan Horne talks with host Bob Moon about the $70 billion business.

For public good, not for profit.

Let the real shopping begin

Dec 26, 2006
Armed with gift cards and stocking money, post-Christmas shoppers this week will have a big impact on the season's overall retail numbers. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Nipped and tucked in a bow

Dec 25, 2006
Forget the fruitcake, the gift card and the DVD player. Maybe you got really creative this year and gave the gift that keeps on giving: cosmetic surgery. Cash Peters has more.

Holiday frocks galore

Dec 25, 2006
Marketplace commentator Michelle Philippe won't apologize for her tulle poufs and velvet gowns — she's extending her holiday season to get more bang for her holiday party buck.