Paulson continues Latin American outreach

Apr 24, 2007
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson traveled to Mexico today to meet with officials about reducing poverty by making more capital available to small businesses. Dan Grech reports.

Immigration backlash in Texas

Mar 22, 2007
While Washington might be looking for compromise on immigration, the Texas Legislature is considering bills that aim to make life tougher for illegal immigrants. Michael May reports.

Another Mexican border to cross

Mar 14, 2007
For many illegal immigrants, the journey to the U.S. begins south of Mexico. But traffic across its Guatemalan border isn't one-way. There's a $10 billion contraband economy based on the loosely-patrolled perimeter.

A small price to pay for security

Mar 13, 2007
Mexican insurance companies are getting into the microfinance market. And Jordana Gustafson reports from Puebla, Mexico, that micro-insurance could be coming soon.

Mending fences, not building them

Mar 13, 2007
President Bush is in Mexico, meeting with President Felipe Calderon. Their conversation's turned to immigration reform and trying to keep Mexican workers at home. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico in the middle

Mar 13, 2007
President Bush wraps up his Latin American tour in Mexico, where he hopes President Felipe Calderon will serve as the region's free market counterweight to socialist Hugo Chavez — but the scales may be tipping in the other direction.

One-day miners strike in Mexico

Feb 19, 2007
A year ago today, a mine explosion in Mexico killed 65 workers. Since then, only two bodies have been recovered and no one's been prosecuted, so miners are striking to pressure the government to punish their employer.

For public good, not for profit.

Tortilla protest in Mexico

Jan 31, 2007
Thousands will gather in Mexico City today to protest the price of tortillas. The cost of the corn-based staple has tripled in recent months. Is the new demand for ethanol to blame? Dan Grech reports.

Migrants as pesos

Jan 19, 2007
For many illegal immigrants coming into America across the U.S.-Mexico border, it's not the first border they've crossed. Dan Grech went to Mexico's southern border to see what a difficult, dangerous place it can be.

Mexico's tortilla prices rise on corn costs

Jan 12, 2007
Higher demand for corn-based ethanol is raising the price of corn. In Mexico, that means one of the country's staples, the tortilla, is getting more expensive. Jeff Tyler reports.