Green grass is great medicine for dogs, cats and horses

Nov 25, 2010
Organic grass is a paradise for animals They can roll on it to deodorize their sensitive skins.  They can eat it for natural antibiotics to...

Flowers, like gladioli, planted near vegetables, increase the yield

Nov 25, 2010
Flowers attract pollinators. Bees live on pollen and nectars.  A well-fed insect will return to cross-pollinate the vegetable patch. The result is...

Take a shower instead of a bath

Nov 25, 2010
You can save water by taking a shower instead of a bath. A full bathtub can require up to 70 gallons of water, while taking a five-minute shower...

Grow green grass the right way

Nov 25, 2010
Raise your lawn mower blade to at least 3 inches. Taller grass promotes deeper roots, shades the root system, and holds soil moisture better than a...

Lighten your wash loads

Nov 25, 2010
Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes or lower the water settings for smaller loads. This saves water and energy. Also, you can replace your...

Lighten your wash loads

Nov 25, 2010
Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes or lower the water settings for smaller loads. This saves water and energy. Also, you can replace your...

Turn on the natural air conditioning

Nov 25, 2010
We open the windows and the front door to let the draft into our building. It creates a perfect breeze and it's better than any air conditioning -...

For public good, not for profit.

Use a Sky Planter

Nov 25, 2010
Not only will it look good in your home, but, the reservoir system feeds water gradually to the plant roots and minimizes water loss through...


Nov 25, 2010
Fruit scraps, coffee, egg shells, and anything organic can be turned to soil for your garden instead of going to the dump! Many cities subsidize...

Switch to CF light bulbs

Nov 25, 2010
Invest in a few CF light bulbs or an energy-efficient refrigerator and you can easily lower your electric bills even if you sign up for wind power...