Possible heart danger from ADHD drugs

Mar 22, 2006
An FDA panel says drugs that control attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta -- could be dangerous to the heart. Some 4 million Americans take them. Helen Palmer reports.

Disturbing bird flu news

Mar 21, 2006
The Bush Administration predicts birds with the avian flu disease will be found in the United States this year.Meanwhile, the virus has evolved into two different human strains. Curt Nickisch reports.

Celebrex study

Mar 2, 2006
We've all heard the charges that Vioxx can trigger heart attacks. Now comes word that rival pain reliever Celebrex may also exacerbate heart problems. Helen Palmer reports.

Bird flu summit

Feb 27, 2006
Bird flu experts from around the world assemble in Washington today to discuss how businesses can prepare for a possible outbreak. Eric Niiler reports.

The smoking lounge is open

Feb 24, 2006
Cities across the US, including New York and Los Angeles, have banned smoking in restaurants and even bars. Chicago finally caved into that peer pressure last month... perfect timing for the city's new luxury smoking lounge. Diantha Parker reports.

Glaxo defends Flonase

Feb 24, 2006
The FDA, under fire for sluggishness in approving generic drugs, announced this week that it had OKed a generic version of the popular nasal spray Flonase. In response, the drug's maker, GlaxoSmithKline, took legal action to halt the move. Helen Palmer reports from the Health Desk at WGBH.

Hunger report

Feb 23, 2006
A report out today says that 25 million Americans use some kind of food assistance, up 8% from 2001. From the Work and Family Desk, Hillary Wicai reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Ballooning health spending

Feb 22, 2006
A new report out today predicts that healthcare spending will account for 20% of the GPD by 2015. Helen Palmer reports.

'Frankenfoods' ruling

Feb 7, 2006
The World Trade Organization is expected to rule today on a dispute between Europe and the US over genetically modified foods. Helen Palmer looks at what's at stake.

Understanding health savings accounts

Jan 31, 2006
President Bush expects to make health saving accounts a highlight of his State of the Union speech tonight. But how exactly do they work at the consumer level? Helen Palmer has the details.