Euro finance ministers expected to approve Greek bailout

Feb 20, 2012
European finance ministers are meeting in Brussels today. They're expected to finally approve a new bailout loan package for Greece. The price tag: $170 billion.

Europeans believe Greeks must show willingness to change

Feb 16, 2012
European markets are down this morning after more hitches in plans to rescue Greece from default. There's a sense the Greeks have exhausted the goodwill of other European countries.

Former Greek finance minister on his country's woes

Feb 16, 2012
There is no end in site yet for Greece, who still might not receive the bailout they need to keep their country running.

Should Greece stay in the eurozone?

Feb 16, 2012
The future of Greece hangs in the balance as it is still uncertain whether they will be able to dig themselves out of their debt hole -- with a lot of help from the rest of Europe.

Greek debt meeting moved to conference call

Feb 15, 2012
A big meeting today in Europe that was supposed to continue talks on the Greek debt crisis has been delayed until next week. Now, leaders will join in a conference call to discuss the problem.

Greek debt: Playing the blame game

Feb 15, 2012
A meeting on the Greek bailout has been delayed. Eurozone leaders want more assurances from Greek leaders that they'll make the spending cuts they've promised. The news has triggered more frustration in Athens.

Germans reacting to protests in Greece

Feb 14, 2012
Greece today is trying to find another few hundred million dollars worth of budget cuts. Meanwhile, the rating agency Moody's has downgraded the credit ratings of six European countries, which is likely to make matters worse.

For public good, not for profit.

Former head of PIP arrested for faulty implants

Jan 26, 2012
The former head of the company PIP has been arrested for creating breast implants out of non-medical grade silicone.

French authorities investigate dangerous implants

Jan 26, 2012
France, where today authorities arrested the founder of a company that sold faulty breast implants to women all over the world.

Monti's next move, and an assessment of Greece

Jan 17, 2012
Our foreign editor John Buckley's take on the S&P downgrade, European debt crisis and Italy's problem down-under.