Cue the billionaires

Mar 10, 2006
The number of billionaires jumped 15% this year over last, according to Forbes magazine. Eric Niiler tell us why more people have joined the exclusive club.

Approaching the debt ceiling

Mar 7, 2006
The Treasury Department attempts to slow the accumulation of federal red ink today by issuing $7 billion in quick-turnaround bonds. Janet Babin reports.

China tends to its rural poor

Mar 6, 2006
China's Parliament kicked off its annual session yesterday. The hot topic: The rural poor. More than half of all Chinese people still live in the countryside, and they've been largely left behind by China's economic boom. Some have taken to the streets recently, and it appears the higher-ups have heard them. Premier Wen Jiabao outlined the plan to pump billions into rural areas to improve the living standards of its impoverished farmers. From Beijing, Ruth Kirchner reports.

Federal telecommuting

Mar 6, 2006
Four out of ten federal workers telecommute at least one day a week. As Hillary Wicai reports, it's part of efforts to make the federal workforce more flexible and more secure.

No consensus on Census change

Mar 2, 2006
Today more than 400 economists and other academics will call on US Census officials to spare a $40 million survey to find out how federal programs help needy families. Scott Tong reports.

India's economic transformation

Mar 1, 2006
Scott Jagow talks to author Gucharan Das about the economic transformation President Bush is likely to see as he starts his visit to India today.

An incentive for saving

Feb 27, 2006
Hillary Wicai looks at an innovative state program to encourage poor residents to save up for home ownership.

For public good, not for profit.

Farrell on the Fed

Feb 23, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells Brian Watt that in some respects, new Fed chief Ben Bernanke is a refreshing change of pace compared to Alan Greenspan.

Hunger report

Feb 23, 2006
A report out today says that 25 million Americans use some kind of food assistance, up 8% from 2001. From the Work and Family Desk, Hillary Wicai reports.

The IRS wants you

Feb 22, 2006
The Internal Revenue Service reports millions of taxpayers are due a refund that will revert back to Uncle Sam if they don't claim the money soon. John Dimsdale reports.