At Def Con, hackers join together to 'hack everything'

Aug 5, 2013
At hacking conference Def Con, hackers look beyond just the internet.

Why stifling hackers may not be a good thing

Jul 31, 2013
A court ruling is blocking researchers from presenting a tech problem that could lead to car thefts.

A tale of two hacking conferences: Black Hat vs. Defcon

Jul 29, 2013
The biggest difference between the two? This year Defcon organizers disinvited the Feds in the wake of NSA surveillance revelations. While Black Hat's keynote speaker will be none other than NSA Director General Keith Alexander.

How to protect your cellphone from hackers

Jul 23, 2013
Nearly half a billion mobile phone SIM cards might be vunerable to hacking. The vulnerability was revealed by a security researcher in Germany.

Quantum Dawn 2: Banks versus hackers

Jul 18, 2013
Quantum Dawn 2. No, it’s not the next James Bond movie. It's a fire drill for big banks to test their defenses against hackers.

Government working with tech companies to find Chinese hackers

Jul 12, 2013
U.S. officials gave American Internet providers information on suspected cyber spies in China as part of a secret program to defend against cyberespionage.

Defcon hacking conference disinvites government agencies

Jul 11, 2013
Revelations about secret government surveillance may have a chilling effect on the government's ability to recruit talented computer coders and hackers.

For public good, not for profit.

Tech companies look to stay ahead of hackers

Jul 9, 2013
Intellectual property accounts for about 35 percent of U.S. GDP. But hackers, many of them in foreign countries, are working harder than ever to steal it.

Vobfus and Beebone: Two computer viruses team up to infect computers

Jul 2, 2013
Computer viruses are bad enough, but what happens when they start cooperating to ruin your digital life?

Hacking away at summer camp

Jun 28, 2013
The online security firm ESET runs a camp for young hackers that encourages them to use their skills for good, not evil.