Sometimes you have to laugh so you don’t cry. That’s how guest host Kimberly Adams is feeling about two big news stories out of her hometown of St. Louis and her current town, Washington, D.C. Today on the show we’re talking about reopening and re-closing California, that couple that brandished guns at protesters and the football team that finally changed its racist name.
Here’s a list of some of the stories we’re talking about today:
- “Newsom orders statewide re-closure of indoor dining, limits on church services, salons” from the LA Times
- “Portland Place couple who confronted protesters have a long history of not backing down” from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- “Washington’s NFL team is finally rid of its racist name — 50 years late” from the Washington Post
- “Democrats introduce bill to require face masks inside federal facilities” from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Prep for Tuesday’s show by listening to “This Land,” a podcast hosted by our guest, Rebecca Nagle
- Finally, “The NeverEnding Story,” a movie that Kimberly says contains many metaphors for the current moment:
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