Scott Jagow

Latest Stories (1,531)

Saving rate declines

Feb 2, 2006
The savings rate is as low as it's been since the Great Depression. But personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow that's not necessarily bad news.

Ford's tax breaks

Jan 30, 2006
While Ford moves ahead with plans to cut 30,000 jobs, Newsweek Wall Street Editor Allan Sloan tells host Scott Jagow the company got $250 million in tax breaks last year to create jobs that never materialized.

Roots of identity theft run deep

Jan 27, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and identity theft expert Eric Drew talk about the source of the identity theft problem — and why you shouldn't be paying to protect yourself from it.

Excise tax

Jan 26, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell and host Scott Jagow discuss the colorful origins of the federal excise tax, and why it might soon be repealed.

The fallout from Maryland's healthcare law

Jan 19, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks to host Scott Jagow about the ramifications of a new Maryland law that requires Wal-Mart to provide health coverage to its employees.

Mergers and breakups

Jan 16, 2006
Last year set a record for mergers and acquisitions, but companies like Viacom are reversing that trend by breaking into parts. Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan tells host Scott Jagow that either way, investment bankers make a ton of money.

The cusp of innovation

Jan 5, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell discuss how investors can spot companies on the cusp of innovation with host Scott Jagow.

Boomer retirement options

Jan 2, 2006
Author Steven Silbiger discusses retirement options for Baby Boomers with host Scott Jagow.

Farrell on the housing market

Dec 29, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell previews the 2006 housing market with host Scott Jagow.

Inflation indicators

Dec 22, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell surveys inflation indicators with host Scott Jagow to evaluate how good a job the Fed is doing to keep prices down.