Rachel Dornhelm

Latest Stories (120)

Gas prices driving school buses away

Sep 2, 2008
Some school districts can no longer afford to offer school bus service because of tight budgets and soaring gas prices. Rachel Dornhelm reports on what some families are doing to get their children to school.

When realtors don't make the sale

Mar 25, 2008
Realtor Martha Ann Wishnev normally sells about $7.5 million worth of real estate a year, but she hasn't cut many deals since home sales dropped 22 percent nationwide. Rachel Dornhelm reports in the first of a new housing series.

Cities steer toward new meter

Mar 24, 2008
A new multi-space, credit card-friendly parking meter is garnering mixed reactions from the driving public. Rachel Dornhelm explores the technology's many facets that will allow cities to cash in big -- sometimes to parkers' dismay.

Economy struggles with loss of luxury

Mar 24, 2008
Reports from luxury retailers like Tiffany's are watched closely by analysts because they can signal how the overall economy is doing. Rachel Dornhelm reports current signs show the average consumer is cutting back.

Watchlist flashes lenders yellow flags

Mar 20, 2008
The Treasury Department released complaints from Americans shut out of financial deals because their names are similar to ones on a terrorism watchlist. Rachel Dornhelm reports how lenders can resolve the problem.

How may I heal you today?

Feb 8, 2008
Wal-Mart is planning to open 400 health clinics in its stores in the next two years. The clinics will partner with local health care providers and carry their namesake. Rachel Dornhelm reports the move is a profitable one.

Flight delays beyond airline control

Feb 7, 2008
Last year was the second-worst for flight delays, but some claim the problem may not be with the airlines. Rachel Dornhelm reports a shortage of air traffic controllers may have added to the problem.

'Tenancy in common' opening doors

Jan 18, 2008
Housing meltdown or not, home prices are still out of reach in many cities. Rachel Dornhelm reports how friends, and sometimes strangers, are teaming up to buy together.

Toy safety data is a text away

Dec 26, 2007
If you're out shopping today and you want to know how safe that toy is before you buy it, you can peruse with more confidence if you've brought your cell phone. Rachel Dornhelm has more on toy safety texting.

Small loans appeal to bootstrap crowd

Dec 25, 2007
Peer-to-peer lending websites have made it increasingly possible for everyday people to lend to entrepreneurs around the world. Rachel Dornhelm reports the down-to-earth businesses tend to get the most cash.