Miranda Kennedy

Latest Stories (119)

India's digital divide, part 2

Jun 30, 2006
India's growing call center industry offers help with computers and Internet use, but relatively few Indians have access to that technology themselves. But as Miranda Kennedy reports, that's starting to change.

India's digital divide

Jun 26, 2006
Last year only four million Indians bought PCs. This from a country of over a billion. Companies from Intel to Motorola are looking for ways to boost technology use among the millions of India's poor. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Wedding feasts outlawed in Pakistan

Jun 14, 2006
Big, costly weddings are all the rage in Pakistan. So much so that the government dusted off an old law to crack down on the new extravagance it sees as a social problem. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Taking the wealth home

Jun 8, 2006
Pakistan's economy has been booming since 9/11. The reason? Many wealthy Pakistanis living abroad chose to return fearing harassment abroad. Miranda Kennedy reports from Islamabad.

Illicit trade in camel jockeys

Jun 7, 2006
Miranda Kennedy reports that for Pakistani boys forced to work as camel jockeys in the Middle East, life is still tenuous once they return to their home country.

India hikes gas prices

May 29, 2006
Unable to afford continued gasoline subsidies, the Indian government today raised prices at the pump. Miranda Kennedy has the story.

Toxic ships

May 26, 2006
Miranda Kennedy reports on one of India's most hazardous jobs: ship scrapping.

Black Monday fallout

May 23, 2006
Miranda Kennedy reports on the mood of Indian and foreign investors one day after India's "Black Monday" stock sell-off.

More H1B visas on the table

May 17, 2006
The immigration debate has focused on illegal, unskilled labor, but the Senate bill also includes a plan to allow more skilled foreign workers into the US. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Indian students protest affirmative action plan

May 12, 2006
A proposal that would reserve half the seats at India's most prestigious universities for people from the lowest ranks of society is running into opposition from other students. Miranda Kennedy reports.