Kai Ryssdal

Host and Senior Editor


Kai is the host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy — radio or television, commercial or public broadcasting — in the country. Kai speaks regularly with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, startup entrepreneurs, small-business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his career in broadcasting, Kai served in the United States Navy and United States Foreign Service. He’s a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University. Kai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children.

Latest Stories (5,794)

Seeing some bright spots in real estate

Dec 11, 2008
Brett White, CEO of commercial real estate firm CB Richard Ellis, tells Kai Ryssdal that while there's no question things are bad in commercial real estate, they're not all that bad.

Why bubbles are so hard to see

Dec 11, 2008
The current financial crisis should teach Wall Street a few lessons. But Wall Street insider Henry Blodget tells Kai Ryssdal why the meltdown has happened and why it could happen again.

Finding opportunity in recession

Dec 11, 2008
The economic downturn is affecting commercial real estate different than residential. CB Richard Ellis CEO Brett White talks about how his company is adapting to the times.

Panel has lots of questions for Treasury

Dec 10, 2008
The Congressional Oversight Panel for Economic Stabilization is set to question the Treasury Department's strategy for the $700 billion bailout. Elizabeth Warren, the panel's chair, discusses her views with Kai Ryssdal.

Best way to donate? Do your research

Dec 10, 2008
If you're facing harder times but still want to give back, you may think the best way is through volunteering. But Holden Karnofsky, co-founder of a charity evaluation website, says your time would be better spent finding a nonprofit worthy of your money.

Letters: Cars, health care and Santa

Dec 9, 2008
Listeners respond to the proposed bailout of the auto industry, one of our guests' comments on health care, and whether Santa Claus is real.

Saving homes through mass appeal

Dec 9, 2008
At Mary Immaculate Parish in Pacoima, Calif., dozens of parishioners are at risk of losing their homes. Father John Lasseigne's been trying to help them by organizing them to negotiate with their banks. He talks with Kai Ryssdal.

How much should Obama weigh in?

Dec 8, 2008
President-elect Obama has been fairly guarded in his pronouncements as to what ought to be done with the economy before he takes office, even as some in both parties are calling for him to be more involved. Kai Ryssdal gets some perspective from James Thurber of American University.

Economic anxiety permeates workplace

Dec 5, 2008
With layoffs and cutbacks, some workplaces have become downright bleak. Kai Ryssdal looks at how downsizing is impacting businesses and their employees.

Clinton's debt becomes State issue

Dec 5, 2008
Sen. Hillary Clinton still owes $7 million in campaign debts, and there are laws that won't allow her to raise the money if she's confirmed as Secretary of State. Jeanne Cummings of Politico discusses Clinton's options with Kai Ryssdal.