Juli Niemann

Latest Stories (41)

Some carmakers have best sales in years

Apr 3, 2012
Auto sales for the month of March are trickling out this month and so far the numbers look pretty good. Chrysler said it had its best month in four years with sales up 34 percent. Ford also had its best month in years with sales up 5 percent.

President Obama asks to repeal big oil tax breaks

Mar 29, 2012
The president wants lawmakers to repeal $4 billion worth of tax breaks that oil companies currently get. How much of an issue are these subsidies?

Case-Shiller home prices and health care reform

Mar 27, 2012
The markets have a lot to reflect on this morning, from the pending Supreme Court decision to the latest Case-Shiller Index.

Analyst: There's confidence in the housing market

Mar 20, 2012
Rise in new building permits attributed to good winter weather, increased demand for housing, and an economy that "isn't getting worse."

Federal Reserve meeting to focus on monetary policy

Mar 13, 2012
The top policy makers at the Federal Reserve are holding a meeting today in Washington to decide what to do next when it comes to monetary policy. Will they shift their focus now that we have signs of economic recovery?

Gas prices drop slightly, but could still rise

Mar 6, 2012
The national average for a gallon of gasoline dipped today after about a month of steady increases. At the same time, tension with Iran could push those back up.

High gas prices likely to be very temporary

Feb 28, 2012
Gas prices have risen quickly in the past month, but reductions in consumer spending and the payroll tax cut are helping to offset the costs.

January retail sales lower than expected

Feb 14, 2012
The government said this morning that retail sales inched up 0.4 percent last month. That was lower than expected.

What to expect in the State of the Union

Jan 24, 2012
What economic issues will President Obama likely mention in his State of the Union address?