David Weinberg

Latest Stories (259)

After all those foreclusures, not so many houses for sale

Dec 7, 2012
Some cities with high foreclosure rates actually have housing shortages now, not a glut of foreclosed houses on the market. President Obama's mortgage-relief plan has helped, but another factor is hedge funds investing in houses to rent out.

Strike at Los Angeles ports starts to back up commerce

Nov 30, 2012
Already the strike has idled thousands of trucks and trains that take containers from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to factories and distribution centers.

At L.A. Auto Show, a big star is a gas-powered engine

Nov 29, 2012
Several new electric and hybrid cars were introduced at the Los Angeles Auto Show, but high prices are expected to keep alternative-fuel vehicles a small part of the market. Ford's shot at efficiency: a three-cylinder Fiesta.

Tolkien's estate battles over 'Hobbit' rights

Nov 28, 2012
The issue isn't "Hobbit" action figures and merchandise, but intangible uses like a Hobbit ringtone.

Americans not taking vacation, and it hurts

Nov 27, 2012
A survey finds people will leave an average of nine days of paid vacation unused this year. The stress that comes from not taking a break can affect their health.

Artificial turf spreads, but recycled rubber raises concerns

Nov 20, 2012
Artificial grass has come a long way since AstroTurf, becoming a kinder, gentler surface for athletes to play on. The recycled tire crumbs it uses as cushioning, however, concern some parents.

Costco offers home mortgages

Nov 14, 2012
Costco hopes getting a mortgage through the big box retailer will bring more customers into the store for the things they'll need to furnish those homes.

Do you, do you, do you wanna dance?

Nov 12, 2012
The popularity of dance competition shows on TV has led to more adults enrolling in dance classes. But will that trend last any longer than the shows?

Employed or not, voting ritual often the same

Nov 6, 2012
In many ways, the 2012 presidential election is a referendum on a number: the nation's unemployment rate of 7.9 percent. Reporters in Oklahoma City (unemployment around 5 percent) and San Bernardino, Calif., (unemployment pushing 12 percent) look behind the numbers.

China is a roadbump for Toyota's global resurgence

Nov 6, 2012
Toyota and other Japanese carmakers are reporting lower sales in China due to the two nations' dispute over offshore islands, but Toyota projects higher earnings worldwide.