Bill Radke

Latest Stories (202)

Georgia number one in bank failures

Jul 20, 2009
Out of 57 national bank failures so far this year, the state of Georgia leads the country with 15. What's causing the trend? Bill Radke talks to Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer Paul Donsky.

Getting around pre-existing conditions

Jul 15, 2009
Pre-existing conditions are a major road block for Americans in the U.S. health care system, even for organ donors. Bill Radke takes up the issue with Los Angeles Times business columnist David Lazarus.

CIT a test case for 'too big to fail?'

Jul 13, 2009
The government has already given business lender CIT $2 billion in TARP money, why won't it continue to help shield it from failure? Bill Radke talks to Edward Hadas with the financial commentary Web site BreakingViews.

Would you buy a car off eBay?

Jul 10, 2009
As one of its new initiatives, GM says it will partner with eBay to auction cars online. Bill Radke talks to Laura DiDio with Information Technology Intelligence Corporation about whether people will actually buy cars on eBay.

Taxpayers shorted on bailout profits

Jul 10, 2009
When the government bailed out the banks, they promised taxpayers a share in future profits. But a congressional oversight panel says taxpayers haven't seen significant profit. Bill Radke talks to professor Elizabeth Warren, head of the panel.

How to find a cyber culprit

Jul 9, 2009
Bill Radke talks to professor Peter Sommer, cyber terrorism expert at the London School of Economics and Political Science, about how difficult it is to assess who's behind the South Korean Web site attacks.

Where G8 varies on climate change

Jul 9, 2009
Many G8 leaders have signed on for dramatic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, but not everyone is on board. Bill Radke talks to Mark Kenber of The Climate Group, who released a report on steps industrialized nations can take to reach short-term energy goals.

Examining Google as a 'giant killer'

Jul 8, 2009
How strong of an impact will Google's new operating system have on Microsoft's business? Bill Radke attends to the issue with Henry Blodget, editor of The Business Insider.

Destination: Energy-efficient future

Jun 25, 2009
The Energy Department will loan billions to help automakers produce energy-efficient cars. Bill Radke talks to Elon Musk, CEO of loan recipient electric car company Tesla Motors, on his view of the future of highway travel.

Germans still support Angela Merkel

Jun 25, 2009
Germany's economy is struggling, but German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to have a strong lead for re-election. Bill Radke asks Brett Neely in Berlin how Merkel has managed to keep her constituents happy and supportive.