Barbara Bogaev

Latest Stories (67)

10 tips for traveling with kids

May 2, 2013
Nobody likes to hear a screaming kid on a flight or deal with difficult children while on vacation. Here are some sanity-saving tips on how to travel with children.

Are you really buying products 'Made in the USA?'

Apr 19, 2013
When you buy products with the label, "Made in America," are you sure you're getting something made in the USA? Tips on how to decipher the labels on so-called American-made goods.

Spring cleaning your costly relationships

Apr 19, 2013
We asked: Who in your life costs you a lot of money? Your answers ranged from kids to lovers to siblings. A consumer finance expert offers some advice on how to maintain healthy relationships with the people who cause you financial strain.

Giving to Boston's victims: How to choose a charity

Apr 19, 2013
As Americans look for ways to express their compassion over the tragedies that struck Boston and Texas this week, we have some tips for how to give to charities without being scammed.

Making the best choices for your budget

Apr 19, 2013
Spring is the perfect time to get realistic about budgeting. Personal finance journalist Carmen Wong Ulrich offers some advice about how to do it the smart way.

Cleaning up your financial portfolio

Apr 19, 2013
Tax season gives many of us a chance to review the past year and examine our investment portfolios. We've got tips on how to improve yours.

Where do taxpayer dollars go, anyway?

Apr 12, 2013
When lawmakers decide where our tax dollars should go in a tough economy, how exactly do they prioritize spending our hard-earned cash?

College-bound? How to pay for higher education

Apr 12, 2013
Many soon-to-be high school graduates are settling on their choice of where to attend college. How does a family decide whether to pay for a student's dream school or a more economical alternative?

Comparing U.S. taxes to other countries

Apr 12, 2013
Many Americans feel they pay too much in taxes, and get too little in return from government. But is that a valid complaint? For some perspective, a look at how America's tax system compares to other countries.

How to make good decisions? Hint: A pros/cons list won't help

Apr 12, 2013
Most of us are bad at making decisions. And that's because we tend to limit our options, according to Chip & Dan Heath, brothers and co-authors of "Decisive: How To Make Better Choices in Life and Work."