Dec 13, 2005
When I was with our scouting team traveling in Wan Zhou for story about Three gorges Dam relocation of farmers, an environmentalist and an local...


Dec 9, 2005
Chileans go to the polls this weekend to elect a new president, and by law, they must vote or pay a fine. Jordana Gustafson reports on the effectiveness of the law.

Hong Kong prepares for WTO

Dec 9, 2005
Hong Kong gets ready to welcome 6,000 delegates for the upcoming World Trade Organization conference. China's capitalist stronghold is also getting ready for the protesters that are sure to follow. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Reading the Tea Leaves

Dec 9, 2005
I have no return story to tell when it comes to China. Everything was new to me from the minute I walked down the runway and settled in for the 13...

Santa Hugo

Dec 8, 2005
Venezuela has announced plans to offer low-cost heating oil to Bronx residents on the heels of a similar offer to residents in Massachusetts. Will American oil companies follow suit? Dan Grech reports.

Working Out in Shanghai

Dec 8, 2005
The closer this project gets to deadline the more I have to work out, preferably every day to relieve the stress. So I joined my ambitious...

For public good, not for profit.


Dec 7, 2005
The UN releases a report today looking at the effectiveness of so-alled "micro-loans" in spurring economic growth in developing nations. Ethan Lindsey reports.

The Yin and the Yang of It

Dec 6, 2005
It's an intimidating task, being the lone Marketplace correspondent in the world's fastest growing major economy, and its most populous nation....

Gates takes India

Dec 6, 2005
Bill Gates arrives in India today in an effort to increase sales of Microsoft products and services in its fastest growing market. Miranda Kennedy reports.