Scott Jagow

Latest Stories (1,531)

Finding a loophole in the forest

Apr 17, 2006
With today's deadline to file tax returns, Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan and host Scott Jagow look at the recent tax loophole windfall for International Paper.

What happened to GMAC and Lucent?

Apr 10, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan talks to host Scott Jagow about why GMAC and Lucent Technologies recently sold at relatively bargain basement prices.

Farrell on immigration: "Let's do it now!"

Apr 6, 2006
Despite listener objections to his call for increased legal immigration to the United States, personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow he's even more convinced the US should throw open its doors.

More troubles ahead for former Enron CEO

Apr 3, 2006
With the Enron trial resuming in Houston today, Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan tells host Scott Jagow that the legal woes of former Enron CEO Ken Lay don't stop with the current case.

The <i>legal</i> immigration crisis

Mar 30, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow that there's a problem with legal immigration &mdash; there isn't enough of it.

Best theater in London? The budget process

Mar 28, 2006
While America and Britain share many cultural traits, Financial Times editor David Wells says their approach to the public sector budget process couldn't be more different.

March madness on Wall Street

Mar 27, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan debunks the myth that the stock market is nearing a five-year high. He talks with host Scott Jagow.

The next NFL commish

Mar 24, 2006 editor Michael Knisley talks to host Scott Jagow about the challenges facing the successor to outgoing NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue.

High interest in Bernanke's remarks

Mar 23, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks with host Scott Jagow about the attention focused on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's first major speech this week.

Raising the rent

Mar 16, 2006
The housing market appears to be cooling off, but rents keep going up in many cities. Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks about the reasons why with Scott Jagow.