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Queena Kim

Latest Stories (253)

The battle over which company has your number

Sep 29, 2014
When phone users were allowed to keep their numbers, a new system was created to track them.

How techies are reenvisioning restaurants

Sep 29, 2014
Hungry? There's an algorithm for that ...

A social network with no ads?

Sep 26, 2014
Social media upstart Ello is positioning itself as the anti-Facebook.

FAA approves drones in Hollywood

Sep 25, 2014
As of Thursday, several production companies can use camera-equipped drones.

New OS from both Apple and Google will encrypt

Sep 22, 2014
The security provisions make users happy and law enforcement authorities worried.

Want to sell a house? Head West. Want to buy? Go East.

Sep 19, 2014
Zillow's findings show an east-west divide for real estate.

Pliny the Elder: A case study in scarcity marketing

Sep 18, 2014
Pliny the Elder inspires beer hunters around the world to search for just one bottle.
Bottles of Russian River Brewing Company Pliny the Elder beer sit in a cooler at Russian River Brewing Company on February 7, 2014 in Santa Rosa, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

"Longmire" lost out because of its older viewers

Sep 12, 2014
Advertisers aren't targeting the show's demo, but that could be short-sighted.

Wal-Mart draws criticism for its new dress code

Sep 12, 2014
The retailer's employees complain about the cost of new clothes.

Some websites are slowing down today to make a point

Sep 10, 2014
Many websites are simulating slowdowns on Wednesday to advocate for net neutrality.