Lizzie O'Leary

Latest Stories (333)

What will mortgages look like after Fannie and Freddie?

Aug 23, 2013
The government is trying to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which could really change the mortgage picture out there. What can we expect to see if the government-backed companies go private or have a diminished role?

The home buying process starts with an app

Aug 23, 2013
There are a ton of real estate apps out there. Advice on which ones should be on your smartphone.

Low-income folks should build wealth, then buy a home

Aug 23, 2013
Home ownership can be a way for low-income folks to punch a ticket to upward mobility. But many experts say that low-income people should build wealth in other ways before they take on a mortgage.

The skinny on short sales and other real estate questions answered

Aug 23, 2013
What resources are available for first-time home buyers? Is there a way to time the market right to take advantage of low mortgage rates? How can you know if you earn enough income to qualify for a refi? Personal finance expert Louis Barajas answers listeners' questions about home ownership. Plus, learn about 10 home buying mistakes you should avoid.

Open House 101: Buyer be ready!

Aug 23, 2013
If you're browsing in today's housing market, you'd better be ready for some stiff competition. A Los Angeles realtor talks about all it takes to land a home you want.

Egyptian business owners adapt to social unrest

Aug 16, 2013
A small business owner in Cairo came to work today, despite danger in the area.

A rough week on Wall Street

Aug 16, 2013
Catching up on the business news of the week, from a reality check in the markets to Europe to the London Whale.

It might be time to invest in classic cars

Aug 16, 2013
An index of the 50 finest Ferraris and Porsches increased by 53 percent over the past two years.

The buzz on Americans drinking less beer

Aug 15, 2013
According to a recent Gallup poll, only 36 percent of Americans who drink alcohol say that beer is their beverage of choice.

Behind the names and numbers of the Internet

Aug 15, 2013
Fadi Chehade, CEO of ICANN -- the organization in charge of assigning names and numbers to Internet addresses -- talks about changes coming ahead for domain names and websites.