Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

AFL-CIO looks to free up resources

Nov 7, 2005
The AFL-CIO wants to retool its organizational structure in Pennsylvania and free up more resources for union organizing. If it works there, Hillary Wicai reports, it could be a model for other states to follow.

Senate to Vote on Reconciliation

Nov 3, 2005
The Senate on Thursday is scheduled to vote on a budget reconciliation bill that among other things would cut Medicaid, farm subsidies, and student financial aid, and open ANWR to drilling. Hillary Wicai reports.

Direct to consumer advertising

Nov 2, 2005
The FDA is considering revising rules about how much risk information prescription drug commercials must include in their television advertising. Hillary Wicai reports

Diversity is good business

Oct 27, 2005
A new study from the Society for Human Resource Management shows diversity in the workplace does more than promote social harmony. Hillary Wicai reports.