Eliza Mills

Producer, special projects


Eliza Mills produced broadcast, podcast, video and digital projects at Marketplace.

In your next life, what would your career be?

I'd want to be a traveling pop-up restaurateur … but not the chef. Or maybe a film location scout.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.


What is something that everyone should own, no matter how much it costs?

A very soft sweater.

What’s something that you thought you knew but later found out you were wrong about?

There's no “n” in restaurateur!

What’s the favorite item in your workspace and why?

My teapot. It adds a real sense of home to my desk.


Latest Stories (197)

The business of being naked

Jun 5, 2015
Nude tourism is an industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

Economics and the transgender community

Jun 5, 2015
As the conversation about identity moves forward, small employers are catching up.

Marketing to Millennials

May 29, 2015
How to advertise to a hard-to-pin-down demographic.

Generation Z talks college and money

May 29, 2015
Four John Marshall High School seniors are skeptical about the future job market.

The art of keeping — or spoiling — a TV secret

May 22, 2015
Spoiler alert! Sometimes we enjoy knowing the ending in advance.

Exclusivity in the changing medical landscape

May 21, 2015
In the time of the ACA, telehealth and concierge doctors, is medicine becoming more exclusive or more accessible?

Making credit more accessible — and less exclusive

May 21, 2015
Changing FICO criteria may benefit renters and those with medical debt.

Face-to-face transactions at the farmer's market

May 14, 2015
How to make the most of $20.

Tech IRL: Mobile transactions and Apple Pay

May 14, 2015
What does the future hold for mobile payments?

Your Wallet: What are you chasing?

May 8, 2015
Lauren Lyons Cole talks about chasing financial goals.