How much productivity are we losing to the election?

Making Election Day a holiday would surely benefit democracy, but what about the economy? A listener wants to know, so for this Whadda Ya Wanna Know Wednesday, we’re looking at the cost to businesses when Election Day stretches to Election Week and beyond. Plus: questions about jobs data, tax filing in the pandemic and one question from a listener via Twitter.
Here’s a list of everything we talked about today:
- “The case for making Election Day an official holiday” from the “Marketplace Morning Report”
- Pew data on Election Day as a holiday
- “Election Day likely cost billions in lost productivity” from Marketplace
- “GOP retains Senate seats despite record-breaking Democratic fundraising” from Axios
- “GOP House candidates overcome fundraising deficits in toss-up races” from Open Secrets, the Center for Responsive Politics
- “Working from home? You might owe income tax to two states” from CNN
Finally: We need your voice memos! Tell us what you think of the show or ask a question for Kai Ryssdal and Molly Wood to answer! Here’s how to do it.
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