Reinventing the standing desk

Jun 10, 2013
To sit or stand at work? That is the question. For those of you who can't decide, how about something in the middle?

Sitting for hours a day can shorten your life

Jul 10, 2012
A new study says even if you exercise regularly, sitting for three hours or more can take years off your life.

Show us your standing desk!

Jun 29, 2012
Standing desks seem to be sweeping the nation these days. Contributor Karen Burkett told us why she — and other co-workers at the Miami Herald — have opted to stand instead of sit on the job. Have standing desks invaded your workplace yet? If they have, send us a photo! Tweet us or post on […]

To stand or sit at work?

Jun 29, 2012
More officer workers are choosing to stand instead of sit at work. The trend may mean better focus and even a longer life.