Is birding tourism in Colombia finally ready to take flight?

Jun 6, 2023
There are more bird species in the country than any other in the world. And post-pandemic, Colombia hopes more bird-watchers will visit.
The Andean motmot is a beautiful and relatively common bird in Colombia.
Stan Alcorn

How a California goat ranch is recovering from the pandemic and wildfire

Feb 2, 2021
The pandemic wiped away Angeles Crest Creamery's ecotourism revenue. Then the Bobcat Fire hit, wiping out the free food source for its goats.
Gloria Putnam, owner of Angeles Crest Creamery, with a baby goat.
Photo courtesy Gloria Putnam

Uganda weighs energy needs against tourism industry

Mar 4, 2016
A planned hydroelectric dam threatens adventure tourism businesses in Uganda.
River guides help tourists rafting the intense rapids on the White Nile. Many are worried they will lose their jobs if a planned hydroelectric dam floods the rapids near Uganda's Kalagala Falls.
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace

Migrating whales bring migrating tourists

Jun 12, 2015
The mammals bring a multi billion-dollar industry with them as they travel.

Does green travel offset emissions.... or just your guilt?

Apr 10, 2008
Travel to an eco-resort abroad and mitigate guilt over the GHG emissions used to get there all at the same time! Ah, the confusing lexicon of...